DIY Advent Calendar +++ Mini Piñatas

Just on time! 
Busy days finishing this Advent Calendar for my daughters and 
my Christmas project DIY for this Blog 😉 
 25 mini piñatas for each day of December, before Christmas night, how great is this tradition...just love the excitement my daughters have each morning opening the gift and being surprised!

If you are crazy for parties 🙋 like me so, you can't miss this DIY Mini piñatas, they are just adorable and kids love them so much! 
This tiny version of piñatas for our Advent Calendar are a hit, look at the colors!!! 
Matching with my Christmas tree all white, pink and green with some black touches! 
Love it 💕💖💚
Let's see the step by step on the follow pics, pretty easy...⇊

This is all we need:
➝ Scissors
➝ Pencil
➝Glue stick
➝Paper crepe or tissue
➝Paper tape

I cut some Christmas shapes, you can use some printable from the web,
 but I did it quickly by hand
I used some paper tape to put all parts together, then some glue and I finished with our paper tissue fringes ⇊

It is not complicated at all, just simple steps, easy and fun, 
and if you are a crafty person this is the paradise 😃
FYI, 25 mini piñatas it's a huge number 😬,  
 so I also added some of this place card holder from @Magnolia at Target that are adorable!
 I'm completely enchanted by the Hearth & Hand with Magnolia edition, this cute house design inspired me to do my mini piñatas houses! 

I leave the bottom of the piñata open, and once I filled them I just added some paper tissue to hide the surprise inside, I know my daughters... 😜

For this tiny wood houses, I wrote some message instead of candies or 
toys with my P-Touch, some of them are: 
Mom read 15'/// On fait de crêpe à la maison avec papa /// Manicure with mom /// 
The idea is offer them our time, not only toys and candies! 😜

Some piñatas are filled with Kinder Schoko-Bons, they loveeee!!  
I found them at World Market, other are filled with stickers, bracelet and very tiny toys

First gift is a message from Dad & Mom

Manicure with mom! On December 10th!!! Yeah!!! 

Ho cute is this mini piñata house with iridescent window and door! 💕💕  

Our Christmas decoration this year is very pink and I'm in love with!!!! Hope you too!!
Did you liked this pink letter board?? I published the DIY a couple month ago, here is the link 👉  DIY Felt letter board
