A modern dog theme party +++ For the love of dog WOUF WOUF

My older daughter, Perla, turned 9th years old this past February, and I think like most of the kids at their age, they had this craziness about puppies, dogs and animals at home. Unfortunately we can't have a pet at this moment, probably later, but not now, and this is a hard thing to explain to our kids. 
When her birthday party theme came up for discussion, I told my daughter...what about a dog theme party and some fun activities around dogs, puppies and all this world around having pets at home???
We choose some pastels colors around pink and green mint, and because her birthday is really close to Valentine's Day, we added some hearts and flowers to the theme, remaining the "love of dog"slogan.  Mostly inspired in Harlow& Grey Desert Rose color gold accents, perfect combination and modern vibes. I found them at Wild Child Party of course! One of my favorite party store in the area, and if you have a chance, please don't hesitate to do a tour for their new location at Lido Village, Newport Beach CA.
I set-up some of my classic pallets as table, I love them, very girly and friendly space, dogs paw cut out confetti decorating the table and tableware from Harlow & Grey perfectly matching with the theme. We used very modern plastic silverware from L'Entramise, perfect addition for an elegant and modern touch. Very cute MeriMeri dogs cups and paws stir. I arranged some dry flower bouquets with very soft bunny tail greenery, they are adorable in neutral and light pink, and added this fuzzy texture to my decor. I played with a black and white balloon garland, green mint and rose gold accent fringe.
Coronating the dessert cart, I made a heart shape flower garland in pink shades with a cut out paper signage WoofWoof, my friend from @sugarpress , did specially for me! She also did a lot of little confetti paws that I spread around the table, very cute detail! She specialize in creating exclusive invitations & stationary, they are in Tustin CA.
You can find the step by step of this amazing flower garland in my last post on this Blog.
I completed the dessert table with my home baked creations, Argentinian alfajores heart shape, macarons and cake pops. I made a small heart shape cookie dough cake filled with Nutella, my daughter's favorite!
The main cake was a shaggy cake matching the party colors, delicious and perfect for the theme! I also covered a wall with small letters foil balloon rose gold with the word "woofwoof" this was our backdrop wall for fun and doggie pictures. I decorated dogs ears headband for each girl with silk flowers, that each invitee brings home as part of their party treats.
Below you can find our party printable kit created for this party, pastels colors and modern vibes ready to order on our Etsy Shop, visit our page:  @PartyDesignByV

I fell in love with this theme, mostly because I thought it was my chance to give my daughter another point of view of having a dog. Not only the cuteness of having a dog, but I would like to give them more educational information, the responsibility we need to have when we welcome a dog in our family, and also the other different jobs and therapy very admirable dogs can have. I contacted a friend that used to help with dog therapy, and she connected me with a training dog and therapist, Karen from www.sundogthrapy.com, she was such am amazing and sweet person. We set-up a one hour educational and funny class with her and her sweety dog, she brought print sheets explaining about dog's language, activities and all kinds of important information around dogs.
We had a great time running this fun class and I got that feeling that this was a great time and theme for this age. We also had a very fun and active moment with a DIY activity, we designed our very own paw's stamp, very focus girls that bring home their own creations. 
At the end of the party each girl brought home a "goodie bag" from @papermart. I adorned with paws rubban and labels matching, we filled with lots of hearts and dogs theme surprise. 
Another party, another dream come true <3 with love from PartyDesignByVioletta


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